This week the Lutheran church begins the Season of Lent.
Many other denominations observe Lent as well. I thought that an explanation of what Lent is
might be helpful. It is one of the seasons of the church year. To know the seasons of the
Christian year is to know the milestones of Jesus’ earthly ministry.

Lent is all about preparation. We prepare our hearts and minds for Good Friday and Easter,
those days that mark Christ's passion and then his victory over death. We experience the
significance of holy week more when we're prepared for it by retracing Christ's journey to the
cross. The season of Lent starts on Ash Wednesday and ends on Easter, lasting for 40 days (not
counting Sundays). Each day of Lent symbolizes one of the 40 days Jesus fasted in the
wilderness before Satan tempted him. During Lent, Christians fast from something that can pull
our minds way from Christ (TV, social media, chocolate, etc.).

The goal is to fill the void with an invigorated prayer life and increased reflection on God's holiness, our sin, and Christ's perfect
obedience even unto death.