
Monday through Friday - 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Office Hours: 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Phone: (256) 536-5245
DCM: Mrs. Carla Jo Peebles
3803 Oakwood Avenue NW | Huntsville, AL 35810

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The CDC is a mission outreach of Ascension Lutheran Church, and as such, it seems like a good idea to let you know about our church services in case you have a desire to worship with us. The members of Ascension would love to invite you and your children to the Sunday morning classes that are geared toward the age group of the child, and also the adult class for - adults!

With the change of season and the out-of-school mindset, there are combined Sunday School classes happening at Ascension. Every Sunday morning at 9:30 AM, classes form for every age group from 3 years through college aged students. Jesus loves to hear the teachers tell the stories of Jesus and His love for everyone, so join us! There are even some classes that have snacks, crafts and singing! Adult Bible study is also held every Sunday morning, starting at 9:30 AM. Topics range from this history of worship, the liturgy, immigration and other items of interest and how God is present throughout our history and our lives.

Regular worship and Bible study are two areas that should not be neglected - by anybody! Our nation is one that allows everyone the freedom to worship without penalty or repercussions. How long that will be true remains to be seen, but should our freedom to do so be taken away, would it bother you? Would you miss being able to open your Bible or listen to some Christian music on the airwaves? Would you miss visiting God in His sanctuary?

While you, as an adult, may not feel moved to get up and make a special effort to worship with others, are you giving your children the opportunity to learn about God? If your child were to die in a freak accident or from a disease over which you have absolutely no control, would your child be guaranteed life for eternity with God because you made sure they knew their Savior and had been baptized? That is your responsibility as parents of these precious children. There is no charge or cost to you or your family - God has paid the cost of our salvation with the life and resurrection of His Son, Jesus. And now He's waiting to hear from you!

On Sunday mornings, Ascension holds worship services at 8:00 and 10:45 AM and there is a 6:00 PM worship service on Monday evenings. To find out more about our church, just check out the tab that says "Our Church." If you have any questions, contact Ms. Peebles or call the church office at (256) 536-9987. Thank you!

